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Cloud Seeding

Cloud Seeding: A Decades-Old Weather Modification Technique


Cloud seeding is a type of weather modification that aims to alter the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds. It is typically used to increase rainfall, mitigate hail, or disperse fog.

How Does Cloud Seeding Work?

Cloud seeding involves introducing tiny particles into clouds that act as "condensation nuclei." These particles provide a surface for water vapor to condense, forming droplets that can then grow into raindrops or snowflakes. The type of particles used depends on the desired outcome. Salt particles are typically used to increase rainfall, while silver iodide particles are used to suppress hail formation.

When is Cloud Seeding Used?

Cloud seeding is generally deployed when atmospheric conditions are favorable for rain formation but insufficient to produce precipitation naturally. These conditions include the presence of high levels of moisture, appropriate temperatures, and strong updrafts.

Effectiveness of Cloud Seeding

The effectiveness of cloud seeding is a subject of ongoing research and debate. Some studies suggest that it can increase rainfall by up to 15%, while others have shown no significant effects. The success of cloud seeding depends on a variety of factors, including the weather conditions, the type of seeding agent used, and the amount of seedings applied.

Environmental Concerns

There are some environmental concerns associated with cloud seeding. Silver iodide, one of the most common seeding agents, can be toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. However, the amounts used in cloud seeding are generally considered to be safe.
